
I am a craftsperson. I am never as happy as I am when I create something. It can be a scarf, a quilt, a re-touched photo. I like to make things that please other people. Now, is this art? I don’t know. Not really, I suppose.But I want to reach people by making beautiful things. And I hope reaching people that way is art. Or at least a level of self-expression that can bring me peace and satisfaction. For the next year, I have rented space to see if I can make this dream a reality. Anyone who wants to come along for the ride is welcome, and anyone who’s been there, done that, or has advice, is welcome to share their thoughts with me.

Perched in a gilded cage

  • Quilting blues
    I’m too herky-jerky with the quilt sandwich. Gotta get smooth.
  • (no title)
    Getting back into some collage.
  • Orchid
    Orchid design with watercolor pencils. Need to be more mindful of edges.
  • Poppies
    Trying to be loose with watercolor. Learning to bring the water out more. Also need to be more patient when it comes to letting the watercolor dry between layers.
  • Waiting
    Waiting for a car repair and got a little painting done. Worked with watercolor pencils and a water brush. Three options. I like them all.